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Good for Relax

Platja dels Pilans

Urb. Sant Miquel de Montroig 1.1 km
Very good
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Bright sand • Blue water • Crowded in season
5.1 Amenities index
Good for Relax

Platja Perello

l'Ampolla 3.4 km
Very good
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Light fine pebble • Blue water • Crowded in season
4 Amenities index

Cala Del Solitari

Via Marina 2.4 km
Very good
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Bright sand • Blue pure water • Crowded in season
2.6 Amenities index
Good for Relax

Platja de Cal Guinovart

Roda de Bera 3.2 km
Very good
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Bright sand • Blue pure water • Crowded in season
4 Amenities index
Good for party

Platja de la Porquerola

Urb. Guardamar 0.4 km
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Bright sand • Turquoise water • Sand bottom
2 Amenities index

Playa del Bacone

l'Ampolla 1.2 km
Free entrance • Virgin beach • Easy access • Rocks cover • Rocks bottom • Aqua socks necessarily
3.5 Amenities index

Latest reviews on Tarragona's beaches

Platja Cap Roig
9 Elia Spuhler

Der Platja Cap Roig in L’Ampolla ist ein wunderschöner Strand, der durch seine malerische Umgebung und das kristallklare Wasser besticht. Der feine Sand und die ruhige Atmosphäre machen ihn ideal für Familien und Erholungssuchende. Auch die Infrastruktur ist hervorragend, mit nahegelegenen Restaurants und Parkmöglichkeiten. Besonders empfehlenswert sind die Sonnenuntergänge, die den Strand in ein magisches Licht tauchen. Ein echter Geheimtipp an der Costa Daurada!

Platja de la Porquerola
1 José Monedero Doló

La playa de la Porquerola es una Playa sucia y con piedras una pena porque no es una playa fea.

Trabucador Beach
10 Kieran Lee

The water on the bay side is particularly warm during the summer. Unfortunately, I didn't have the opportunity to learn kitesurfing on this trip, but I'm definitely interested in giving it a go next time I visit.

L'Hospitalet beach
8 AS Anderson

There is a lovely small playground with a zip line and other enjoyable activities for children. It remains peaceful throughout the day.

Cala Del Solitari
10 AnnaSoc

Pristine beach, transparent waters... It's a wonderful cove to visit and enjoy for the day.

Playa del Bacone
10 gory

Stunning beach, typically not busy.