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Good for Relax

Spiaggia del Macello

Bisceglie 0.8 km
Very good
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Light pebble • Blue pure water • Very crowded
6.8 Amenities index

Lido Colonna

Trani 2.2 km
Very good
Beach resort • Easy access • Bright sand • Blue pure water • Small free area • Very crowded
8.3 Amenities index
Kids friendly
Very good
Large free area • Beach resort • Easy access • Brown fine sand • Brown water • Crowded in season
6.7 Amenities index

Spiaggia La Salata

Bisceglie 1 km
Very good
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Light pebble • Blue pure water • Crowded in season
5.7 Amenities index
Good for Relax

Spiaggia La Torretta

Bisceglie 3.2 km
Very good
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Light pebble • Blue pure water • Crowded in season
6.7 Amenities index
Kids friendly

Lido Sanmarco

Trinitapoli 4.5 km
Beach resort • Easy access • Gray sand • Blue pure water • Small free area • Crowded in season
6.7 Amenities index

Latest reviews on Barletta-Andria-Trani's beaches

Torre Calderina beach
10 Lila Kozlov.

Excellent experience! The proprietor was exceptionally gracious and welcomed us with open arms, even though we had not made a reservation during a day of lively festivities. Additionally, they provided access to the beach for two weary travelers on the Via Francigena del Sud. The food was divine, with delectable focaccia, orecchiette, and panzerotti that were simply mouth-watering. The service was also top-notch, with the waitress being incredibly friendly and accommodating. The location was spot-on, and the price was very reasonable. Overall, a job well done!

Litoranea di Ponente
5 Emilio Dilorenzo

Principali aspetti positivi: - le dimensioni, poiché la spiaggia si estende parecchio in lunghezza e larghezza - l'ingresso in acqua molto graduale - la presenza di diverse strutture turistiche come stabilimenti balneari, bar e ristoranti che tuttavia lasciano parecchio spazio alle zone libere - molto frequentata anche di sera Punti negativi: - sabbia polverosa che rende il mare opaco - acqua non limpida in alta stagione - la città non è lontana, ma la gran parte delle persone preferisce raggiungere la spiaggia in auto

Spiaggia del Macello
8 Mick Free

This picture was taken on a Sunday. On other days, it's fairly busy in the morning, but by lunchtime, most people have gone home.

Litoranea di Levante
8 Nirav Patel.

Although the sea is picturesque, the sand leaves something to be desired with its unclean appearance. The water entrance is rocky, which can be a bit uncomfortable. However, the price is reasonable and not too expensive.

Spiaggia La Salata
2 Dash

Non e pet me

Spiaggia La Torretta
8 Dorian Finch
