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Kids friendly

Playa de la Guirra

Salinas del Carmen 2.6 km
Very good
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Bright sand • Blue pure water • Crowded in season
7.2 Amenities index
Senior friendly

Playa del Castillo

Salinas del Carmen 3.5 km
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Bright sand • Turquoise pure water • Crowded in season
6.7 Amenities index
Good for Relax

Playa Pozo Negro

Pozo Negro 0.1 km
Free entrance • Virgin beach • Easy access • Gray sand & pebble • Blue pure water • Deserted
1 Amenities index
Good for Relax
Free entrance • Virgin beach • Easy access • Gray sand & pebble • Blue pure water • Deserted
1 Amenities index
Good for Relax

Playa del Muellito

Salinas del Carmen 0.2 km
Free entrance • Virgin beach • Easy access • Black sand & pebble • Green pure water • Deserted
1 Amenities index
Good for Relax

Playa de Leandro

Pozo Negro 1.3 km
Free entrance • Virgin beach • Easy access • Blue pure water • Gray sand & rocks • Sand & Rocks bottom
1 Amenities index

Latest reviews on Pozo Negro's beaches

Playa del Castillo
6 Zander Grey

This gorgeous beach is perfect for everyone, with wheelchair access and wooden pathways leading to the shore. Crystalline waters are refreshingly cool to start, but quickly warm up as you adjust. Toilets and showers are located near the boardwalk, while affordable bars and restaurants near the Eurotar Salinas hotel offer ice creams to go. You can park your car in the lot at the right end of the beach, or anywhere nearby. The sand is man-made, though it covers the natural volcanic ledge, and is ideal for swimmers of all levels. Lifeguard towers and a shark net provide safety, and there are small fish swimming around that won't bite. Sun loungers and parasols can be rented for 10 Euros all day, and the boardwalk is a great spot for evening strolls. During high season the beach can get crowded, but never too full. There is some airplane noise from the nearby airport, and the water can be choppy on wind

Playa Pozo Negro
10 Zander Grey

This place is a hidden gem. The fresh fish, seafood, and Paella are amazing. The service is efficient and friendly, and the prices are great. It's a charming little fishing village where you can watch the fish being caught from the shore and brought straight to your plate. I highly recommend it!

Playa de Gran Valle
6 David Gimes

If you're a fan of long drives, you'll find a secluded spot by the sea with only a handful of beach houses scattered along the shore. There's not many tourists around here, making it a peaceful and tranquil place. Just be mindful of the strong currents when taking a dip in the ocean, as the undertow can be quite powerful.

Playa del Muellito
6 Astrid Planells

This spot is a popular spot amongst locals and offers a stunning, idyllic south-facing and sheltered view. Although it can become quite crowded at times, it is great for snorkelling and has the added bonus of black sand and pebbles. Unfortunately, it can sometimes be a bit grubby with cigarette butts and bottle tops.

Playa Majada de las Cabras
4 Gianni Latorre

This beach is suitable if you're looking for solitude and isolation, but swimming may not be very comfortable. It's more geared towards a road trip experience. Just be cautious of the goats that may cross your path while driving.

Playa de Leandro
10 Javier Gomez

This beach is amazing.