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Good for Relax

Magueyito beach

Puente Copalita 3.1 km
Free entrance • Virgin beach • Bright sand • Turquoise pure water • Difficult access • No parking
0 Amenities index
Senior friendly

Montecito beach

Puente Copalita 2.7 km
Hotel guests only • Hotel beach • Easy access • Bright fine sand • Turquoise pure water • Fine sand bottom
5.7 Amenities index
Good for party

Bocana beach

Puente Copalita 2.5 km
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Gray sand • Blue water • Sand bottom
2.7 Amenities index
Good for Relax

Barra de La Cruz

Barra de la Cruz 1.8 km
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Bright fine sand • Blue pure water • Deserted
3.8 Amenities index
Good for party

Mojon beach

Zimatan 4.4 km
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Bright sand • Turquoise pure water • Deserted
2.7 Amenities index
Good for party

Grande beach

Playa Grande 0.2 km
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Bright sand • Blue pure water • Sand bottom
2.7 Amenities index

Latest reviews on Barra de la Cruz's beaches

Magueyito beach
10 Landon J

This beach is amazing!

Bocana beach
8 Simone Ciarlo

This beach is supposedly amazing, but let's be real - it's just like any other beach. Sure, there are surfers showing off their skills in the water, but is that really worth the hype? The food at the two restaurants might be decent, but if you're not a fan of seafood, you're out of luck. Don't forget to bring a boogie board and lots of sunscreen - because what's a day at the beach without some painful sunburns and a few bruises from wiping out? And let's not forget about crossing the Copalita river - it's a hassle, but apparently, it's worth it. Overall, if you're looking for a typical beach experience, this place might be for you. But if you're expecting something truly extraordinary, you'll be disappointed.

Barra de La Cruz
4 Avery Alderson

This shoreline is a sight to behold! However, as an outsider, they impose a hefty fee of $100 per day, regardless of your intentions. Previously, it was only $30 a day if you arrived by car, but that is no longer the case. The discourteous individuals responsible for this policy detract from an otherwise delightful town experience.

Mojon beach
6 Ray M.

The level of enjoyment you'll experience at this beach depends on your preferences. During August, it's not ideal for swimming due to the strong surf and swells. However, if you're a surfer, the right end of the beach is great for catching waves.

Grande beach
6 Crisanto Valdez

To be honest, I wasn't a big fan of it. The beach is indeed quite large, but the ocean waves are too strong to swim in. It's well-known for being a popular nesting spot for turtles. If you engage with the locals, you might be able to camp there, just as I did.

Garzas beach
10 Lena Nightshade

This picturesque location offers a breathtaking view of the vast ocean, although it may not be the most ideal for swimming. However, the strong waves make it a haven for board sports enthusiasts. The viewpoint is a must-visit spot, providing an unparalleled panoramic view of the surroundings.