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Bagni Lido Livorno

Montenero basso 3.1 km
Paid entrance only • Beach resort • Easy access • Concrete cover • Blue pure water • Crowded in season
7.2 Amenities index

Spiaggia Della Rotonda

Montenero basso 2.8 km
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Crowded in season • Rocks bottom • Aqua socks necessarily
2.7 Amenities index

Felciaio beach

Livorno 3.6 km
Paid entrance only • Beach resort • Easy access • Concrete cover • Blue water • Concrete bottom
7.8 Amenities index
Good for Relax

Pancaldi Acquaviva

Livorno 2.1 km
Paid entrance only • Beach resort • Easy access • Concrete cover • Blue water • Deserted
8.3 Amenities index
Good for Relax

Spiaggia del sale

Montenero basso 1.9 km
Free entrance • Amenities beach • Easy access • Concrete cover • Blue water • Deserted
6.7 Amenities index
Kids friendly

Tre Ponti beach

Montenero basso 2.5 km
Large free area • Beach resort • Easy access • Brown sand • Blue water • Sand bottom
7.8 Amenities index

Latest reviews on Quercianella's beaches

Spiaggia Della Rotonda
2 ValFab

This public beach, easily accessible for disabled elderly individuals and families, holds great potential. However, it has not been properly maintained or appreciated for years. The beach has significantly reduced in size over time, and there is a risk it may vanish entirely. It's truly unfortunate, as this beach is a valuable asset for the city that should not be overlooked!

Pancaldi Acquaviva
2 Jaxon Arvello

The customer service at the beach was disappointing as the staff lacked friendliness and kindness. The prices were exorbitant for a family, making it unaffordable for many. The swimming pool was actually the sea, but it was protected from the currents. However, the beach was not sandy, and instead had a concrete surface. The water quality was acceptable, but the rocky bottoms were a double-edged sword as they attracted fish, as well as a large number of jellyfish. On the bright side, the toilets were well-maintained, and the showers were refreshing, albeit with a low water flow. Despite our efforts, we have no intention of returning to this beach, and we do not recommend it to anyone.

Spiaggia del sale
10 Zuri Nolani


Tre Ponti beach
4 Bhavesh Srinath


Fortullino beach II
8 Aiden Cobaltlyn

Untamed location featuring a spacious pebble-strewn shoreline complete with amenities and a small snack bar. The water's edge is somewhat challenging to reach, thanks to the large rocks scattered beneath the surface.

Fortullino beach
10 Natalia Ivanova.
